The best way to meet professional Persians in the states

Your Persian Dating app Where Cultural Connections Flourish Find, Match, and Build Relationships for long-term

Why Patogh?

Easy to use
Patogh design has one goal, keep it simple.
Chat securely
With Patogh you don't need to share numbers to hear each other voices. Use our encrypted and private voice function.
Active users
This is right! all our users are active. Any in-active accounts are deleted. Keep it real!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you ensure your personality shines through on your dating profile?

Patogh dating app offers a personalized option where you can select your personality type, and we will match you with profiles similar to yours!

What’s the go-to conversation starter when you match with someone?

In Patogh conversation starts with question and answers. Users are prompted to select few questions and it gets shared with the match. No more thinking of the opening chat line.

How Why target only in the U.S.A?

The Persian community is large in the states. Our first launch will be in the states and our long term goal is to expand

How can I register and be part of Patogh?

We are in the final phases of our mobile app launch. Once the app is ready, you can register your profile in just a few seconds.

Ready to expand your dating!

Patogh the Persian dating app is for you